Our skin is a significant a reflection of your lifestyle, which is all about how you eat, drink and live. If your skin is suddenly looks dull, lifeless, tired or just old, you might have committed one or more of the deadly skin sins.
1. Dehydration
It is important to know whether you are taking proper amount of water everyday. Dehydration could make you look older than your age, and wrinkled. Lack of this wonderfully-replenishing lifesaver dries out your skin your body's largest organ, and dry skin is more susceptible to wrinkling than hydrated skin. You need about 8-12 glasses or about 2-3 litres of water daily.
2.Foods high in sugar and fat
When oxygen in the air comes in contact with the fruits, it slowly turns brown and gradually rots. Oxidation, is helpful while occurring naturally outside the body. It is harmful if it occurs inside your body. Inside your body, the process of oxidation releases 'free radicals' that slowly damages organs, including the skin. Certain things we eat and drink, like fried or sugary foods, are oxidants. Antioxidant foods (green teas, fresh fruits and vegetables) reverse the oxidation process.
3. Caffeine
Caffeine, found in teas, coffees, cola drinks causes oxidative stress. These are very dehydrating. They leave you more thirsty after you start taking them.
4. Alcohol
Like caffeine, alcohol is the ultimate aging double drinks. It is high in sugar, which causes oxidative stress, and dehydration. Alcohol strips your skin of nourishment.
5. Smoking
Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant, and is also known as saviour of skin. Smoking depletes your body's quota of Vitamin C, and adds even more free radicals, fast-tracking the aging process. Add leafy greens and citrus fruits in your diet. Quit smoking gradually because it is not possible to stop smoking in a day.
6. No vegetable juice
If you don’t take green vegetable everyday atleast try to have a glass of vegitable juice. Vegetable juices are the best antioxidants that brim with nourishing and healing properties. In a mixture grinder, blend the juice of three raw vegetables. Add about half the pulp back to the glass, some water and season to taste. Make a habit to Drink it daily to look younger.
7. Sleep deprivation
During sleep your skin repairs itself. If you Do not taking enough sleep, you may be aging ahead of your time. That's a logic behind the 'beauty sleep'. Sleep adds freshness in your face.
All of these will help you look young and refreshed. Follow a proper lifestyle and look healthy.
Also Read: Home remedies for dark elbows and knees!
By Prakriti Neogi