Women empowerment doesn’t solely mean building self rather you should also put all the efforts to make other women them a stronger and confident. Don’t forget that women are powerful and we need to be there one another instead of judging and tearing each other down.
Women in their daily lives survive various challenges ranging from not feeling self-confident to doubting the choice of career. We should empower other women around succeed in each and every aspect of their life.
It can also be a small thing like helping other woman picking a suitable outfit for an interview or calm her by telling her she’s going to crack the interview. You can empower a woman by just complimenting her.
At workplace as well, you chance up women struggling with their work every day. Instead of just turning your eye, it would be of amazing encouragement if you can help her up with what you know.
Here’s How You Can Empower Other Women at Work
1. Celebrate Each Other’s Accomplishments
Instead of merely communication or gossiping, tell your female co-workers that they are doing great whenever they deserve to be praised. Praising others doesn’t lower your standards after all. Celebrate their strengths and accomplishments. It is widely said that lack of recognition remains one of the most common reasons that people leave an organization. If you are a female boss, help your female employees get recognized for the things they are skilled at and share their accomplishments.
2. Be Each Other’s Support in Meetings
Quite a lot of women go through the untold struggle when it comes to addressing a meeting, especially when it is dominated by men. When you see your women co-worker is losing her confidence to speak out at meetings, instead of just being a spectator back each other’s opinions and help her out when she’s feeling down. Give them as space to speak without any hesitation.
3. Be Open About Your Failures
Many successful women mostly back off to open up about their failures and unachievements. However, talking about it doesn’t make you any unsuccessful but it gives only hope and confidence to other women to believe in themselves.
4. Quality over Quantity
Sitting at a desk for straight eight hours and working is not as easy as pie. It is definitely not an indicator of quality work. Offering time flexibility for women can be helpful in many ways, especially working mothers. The time flexibility at workplace allows them to effectively focus on work as they can give their full attention. It also helps in boosting mental health, cut down staff turnover and increase productivity.
5. Be Approachable
Female rivalry doesn’t take you anywhere but only make a path to failure. You must be that woman to whom woman feel comfortable to approach for help. Do not undermine each other. Offering mentorship or help of any kind to other women will make you and other women too empowered.
By Sowmya Sangam