Search Results On shopkeeper (Page 1 of 2)

shopkeeper (Page 1 of 2)

  • Khalistan petition, Khalistan petition, white house refuses to back petition on khalistan, Shopkeeper

    White House refuses to back petition on Khalistan! 2016-10-07 09:57:21

    A petition seeking support for Khalistan has been refused to be endorsed by the White House. The United States president Barack Obama invoked comments during his last year's trip to New Delhi that India will succeed so long as it...

    Keywords: White House, Obama January, Khalistan petition, Obama January

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    Dress featuring 9/11 attacks, 9/11-themed dress, indian origin shopkeeper destroys 9 11 themed dress in uk, Shopkeeper

    Indian-origin shopkeeper destroys 9/11-themed dress in UK! 2016-10-07 04:20:30

    A dress featuring the 9/11 attacks as its design theme was destroyed by an Indian-origin shopkeeper in London after passers-by posted pictures of its offensive pattern on social media. Jaspir Bhatti said said that, "There is no way I would...

    Keywords: 9/11 attacks, 9/11 attacks, 9/11 attacks, 9/11 attacks

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    Covid-19, death rate, covid 19 related deaths spike as india eases lockdowns, Shopkeeper

    Covid-19 related deaths spike as India eases lockdowns 2020-05-08 06:51:18

    Entering into the third phase of the lockdown, the Lockdown 3.0, Indian government has allowed some ease in the restrictions. But, with the sudden relaxations, the novel coronavirus is likely spreading on an even bigger scale than before.Whole the doubling...

    Keywords: dharavi, india, dharavi, india

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    Mastercard invests in India, Mastercard invests in India, 250 crores investment committed by mastercard to support small businesses in india, Shopkeeper

    250 crores investment committed by MasterCard to support Small businesses in India 2020-07-11 04:12:11

    Mastercard has announced a total of 250 crore rupees which is roughly around 33 million dollars to support the Small and medium scale enterprises in India. The global pandemic has hit the entire world differently. From laborers to millionaires everyone...

    Keywords: Mastercard invests in India, Mastercard invests in India, Mastercard invests in India, Mastercard invests in India

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    Indian origin man raided, UK news, indian origin shopkeeper hailed as brave, Shopkeeper

    Indian origin Shopkeeper Hailed as “Brave” 2017-01-03 05:25:04

    An Indian origin shopkeeper is being hailed as "brave" after he wrestled a knife-wielding thief to the ground in northern England. Sandeep Yadala a 30 year old man from Indian was injured after he grappled a robber to the ground...

    Keywords: Indian man in England, Indian man in England, UK news, Indian origin man raided

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    indians in uk, Ravi Katharkamar death, indian origin shopkeeper ravi katharkamar stabbed to death in london, Shopkeeper

    Indian Origin Shopkeeper Ravi Katharkamar Stabbed to Death in London 2019-03-27 05:04:31

    The 54-year-old Indian origin man who is running newsagent’s shop in the United Kingdom has been stabbed to death during a burglary at his store on Sunday. Ravi Katharkamar, who was thought to have two children, was attacked as he...

    Keywords: indian population in london, Ravi Katharkamar in london, Ravi Katharkamar death, gujarati population in london

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