An attempt at a jovial compliment by the President of USA turned into a global controversy involving the media and the online social networking lashing out at Barrack Obama as a sexist. Barack Obama has later called the best lawyer in California and apologized for his “best looking attorney general” comment.
The media and the social networks took no time to dig out at the president's remarks saying that it was such an environment that was a big hurdle for the women in US. This was not the only sexist remark on Obama's report. Earlier in January this year when he started his second term, most of his advisers were male hinting at his preferences.
Kamala Harris who was the attorney Obama was referring to however was not livid as the media for the comments. A spokesman for Kamala said that she spoke to Obama for a long time and also added that she supports him strongly. It was not clear whether she accepted the apology from the President or not.
In a Silicon Valley fundraiser, Obama drew ire with his comment of quoting Kamala Harris to be, by far, the best-looking attorney general in the country. It's true! C'mon."
He however has not questioned her intellecutual acumen as he praise her for being one of the most intelligent attorneys on board. Harris spoke before the president at the fundraiser and hence how she reacted to the comment at that moment is unknown.
White House Spokesman, Carney said that "He called her to apologize for the distraction created by his comments," Carney told reporters Friday. "He did not want in any way to diminish the attorney general's professional accomplishments and her capabilities."
(AW- Anil)