Trump Signs Executive Order to End Family Separations at U.S. Border
June 21, 2018 04:01
(Image source from: The Independent)
United States President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed an executive order to conclude the separation of children from their parents when immigrant families are caught crossing the U.S. - Mexico border illicitly.
Since few days, the immigration policy sparked indignation at home and border.
The order requires that immigrant families be confined together when they are caught entering the country illegally, however it was not instantly unsubtle for how long.
It likewise moves parents with children to the front of the line for immigration proceedings. The order does not end a "zero tolerance" policy that calls from criminal prosecution of parents crossing the border lawlessly.
It's about keeping families together while at the same time making sure that we have a very powerful, very strong border, Trump said as he signed the order in a hastily arranged Oval Office gathering.
The wrath sparked in the United States ranging from clergy to influential business leader, as well as disapproval from overseas, including Pope Francis, when a video recording of youngsters in cages and an audiotape of lamenting children went viral.
Trump, a frequent viewer of cable television newscasts, had recognized the family separation issue was a growing political problem, White House sources said.
First lady Melania Trump, in private conversations with the president, urged him to do something, a White House official said.
"The first lady has been making her opinion known to the president for some time now, which was that he needed to do all he could to help families stay together," an official said.
The decision of Trump on Wednesday marked a rare case since he took office in January 2017 in which he has changed course on a controversial policy, rather than digging in.
Trump has made a hard-bitten stance on immigration central to his presidency. In recent days, the Republican president had insisted his hands were tied by law on the issue of family separations and had sought to blame Democrats, although it was his administration that enforced the policy of rigorous adherence to immigration law.
The Republican-controlled U.S. Congress is also considering legislation to address the issue. On Thursday, the House of representative on two bills planned to the ballot to halt family separation and to address else immigration issues.
Merely Republicans said they were uncertain if either measure would have enough support to be approved. Trump told House Republicans on Tuesday night he would support either of the immigration bills under consideration but did not give a preference.
By Sowmya Sangam