Search Results On us immigration bill (Page 1 of 2)

us immigration bill (Page 1 of 2)

  • Family Separations, U.S., trump signs executive order to end family separations at u s border, Us immigration bill

    Trump Signs Executive Order to End Family Separations at U.S. Border 2018-06-21 04:01:01

    United States President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed an executive order to conclude the separation of children from their parents when immigrant families are caught crossing the U.S. - Mexico border illicitly. Since few days, the immigration policy sparked indignation...

    Keywords: Family Separations, Executive Order, U.S., U.S. Border

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    public feedback for draft immigration bill, immigration bill, indian groups in uae miss deadline for proposals on new immigration bill, Us immigration bill

    Indian Groups in UAE Miss Deadline for Proposals on New Immigration Bill 2019-01-21 06:39:29

    Scores Indian expatriate groups in the United Arab Emirates have missed the finishing date to recommenced changes to New Delhi’s new draft immigration act that will replace the immigration act of 1983, according to media reports.The deadline to suggest changes...

    Keywords: indian expats in dubai, draft immigration bill, indian population in uae 2018, immigration bill

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    Indian-American, Donald Trump, donald trump asks u s lawmakers to ballot to aid indian american migrants, Us immigration bill

    Donald Trump Asks U.S. Lawmakers to Ballot to Aid Indian-American Migrants 2018-06-28 05:38:14

    United States President Donald Trump on Wednesday asked U.S. lawmakers to ballot for an immigration bill which would end the excruciating green card delay for Indian-Americans among other things and advance immigration that would enable a much smoother and quicker...

    Keywords: U.S., U.S., Donald Trump, U.S.

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    midterm elections, Mike Coffman, u s elections to decide fate of h 1b visa holders, Us immigration bill

    U.S. Elections to Decide Fate of H-1B Visa Holders 2018-11-01 05:23:15

    With the United States mid-term elections coming up next week, the fate of the Coffman-Krishnamoorthi bill, which is being closely observed by thousands of Indians who are waiting on long green card queues, hangs in balance.  The 'Immigration Innovation Act of 2018'...

    Keywords: card queues, US elections, H1B Visa holders, bill

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    us immigration news updates, us immigration news today, indian parliamentary panel urges govt to finalize draft emigration bill, Us immigration bill

    Indian Parliamentary Panel Urges Govt. to Finalize Draft Emigration Bill 2019-01-03 11:04:36

    In order to redress grievances of migrant Indian workers, an Indian parliamentary panel has urged the government to set up a concrete channel and finalize a draft emigration bill for presenting before parliament. The Committee on External Affairs, in its...

    Keywords: immigration reform news today in congress, immigration reform news today in congress, latest immigration news today, indian parliamentary panel

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    Family Separations, Trump, trump s executive order on family separations deepens confusion, Us immigration bill

    Trump's Executive Order on Family Separations Deepens Confusion 2018-06-22 04:08:29

    United States President Donald Trump's executive order on Wednesday to halt family separations unleashed confusion in Washington and at the Mexico border, as United States Customs and Border Protection said it would stop referring such cases for prosecution and migrant...

    Keywords: United States, Mexico border, Executive Order, Mexico border

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